is the virtual shopping platform

We enable 3D product customization, virtual showrooms, and much more for leading eCommerce companies - all for one low monthly price.


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  • 3D Product Configuration
  • Virtual Showroom
  • Integrates with Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, Lightspeed, SAP
  • Website embed
  • 24/7 hosting and support
Plans start at $500/month

The Magic Salesman

There once was a traveling salesman,
who visited town each week.
The people would gather around him,
and smile from cheek to cheek.

"I'd like to see some hats!", they'd say,
Or, "What about a tent!"
From his cart the products came,
and just as fast they went

Once the crowd did clear away,
a straggler sticks behind.
Young Sally Sue from Hellabaloo,
Has bigger things in mind.

"What about a grand piano", she asks?
"Or a swing set for my yard?"
The salesman frowns because deep down
He knows carrying that stuff is hard.


Then, he has an idea!
"Young Sally Sue, I'll be back!"
For at home he has magical glasses,
and the next day brings them in a sack.

"Here, Sally. Put these on",
and those wonderful things you will see.
Grand pianos and swing sets
as real as you or me.

And such was her impression,
of the piano's long black keys,
that from that day she worked and worked
until she could pay the fee.

Now when the salesman visits,
he comes without a cart.
And with the glasses he tells a story,
that some would even call art.